UBx communication tools on parenting and work-life balance

In the framework of a call for projects led by the Fund for innovation in Human Resources of the French Ministry of Civil Service, the University of Bordeaux developed various communication tools focused on the balance between parenting and professional life. These elements are in line with action 9 (thematic area 1) of the UBx GEP: “Rolling out communication actions highlighting the available rights and tools for managing the work-life balance.” :baby:t3:

Personnel of the university representing the diversity of our community (women, men, teachers, researchers and administrative staff) have been interviewed and participated in task forces to share their experiences as working parents. :baby_bottle:

From their point of view, they shared the difficulties they were confronted to and levers or questions at several stages of their parenthood: from declaring the pregnancy to the birth of their child and the return to work. Taking their own experience at a starting point, these employees worked with the university’s HR and social services to prepare videos that aim to answer to most of parents’ questions about balancing professional career and parenting. Three interview videos have been disseminated, on the following topics:

  • Services and measures available for parents to support them in the balance of their personal and professional lives, such as home office, part time, leave of absence to care for a sick child, financial help for disabled child,…). :woman_technologist:t3:
  • Balancing teaching duties with parenting. :school:
  • Steps to follow when becoming a parent (how to declare the pregnancy, when to ask for the maternity, paternity or parental leave,…). :speech_balloon:

These videos that have been co-designed in dedicated task forces are completed by motion designs that go into further details on the elements presented in the interviews.
These numeric elements will be enriched with a written guide detailing all the measures and devices that enable good balance between personal and professional lives.

:loudspeaker: What do you think of these tools, and do you think it would be relevant to develop such videos at your university?

If you speak French, take a look at one example of video by clicking here!


Thank you Ninon, for sharing this example from UBx! :slightly_smiling_face:

I watched the videos and think that it is a very useful and innovative form of addressing the needs of employees, and highlight and promote the services provided by administration.

Thank you also for providing so much background information. :slightly_smiling_face: